These days, you cannot turn on the radio or television or open a newspaper without being confronted with information about the coronavirus. While it’s important to be informed about the virus, not everything you read or hear is true. In fact, there are quite a few myths floating around that you should know the truth about, like these 3 below.

#1: Sunshine and Warmth Can Kill the Virus
It’s nice to think that the virus can be chased away by the warmer days ahead. Unfortunately, that’s not true. It’s possible to catch the virus no matter how warm it may be outside. In fact, coronavirus is spreading in countries where the weather is hot just as it is in places that have cooler temperatures. Exposing one’s self to sunshine or turning up the temperature in the house won’t keep it away. Instead, experts recommend taking steps like washing hands frequently and thoroughly and avoiding touching the face.
A home care services provider can assist your older family member to wash their hands often during the day, especially after having been in public, such as for a medical appointment.
#2: Seniors Can Get Sick from Products Ordered from Overseas
Lots of people are turning to online shopping to get the things they need right now. Unfortunately, because the virus started overseas, some people think that by bringing items into the home from other countries they might also be bringing in the virus. Experts say that it is very unlikely someone can catch the virus from a package delivery because they have been traveling for a few days and been exposed to a variety of temperatures and conditions that will have killed virus germs.
Though packages may not spread the virus, it is possible to get it from other surfaces, especially those that are frequently touched. To help prevent germs from spreading, a home care services provider can wipe down countertops, faucets, door handles, and other surfaces regularly.
#3: Coronavirus is Just Like the Flu
It’s true that coronavirus shares some of the same symptoms as flu, such as fever, coughing, and body aches, they aren’t exactly the same. Coronavirus is considered more serious because it has a higher mortality rate, somewhere between 1 and 3 percent. Unfortunately, older adults are at higher risk for serious complications from the virus, making it especially important for them to take protective measures.
A home care services provider can pay special attention to your older family member’s health at this time, watching for any signs of the virus and ensuring they get the help they need.