People get old. In fact, many people would be lucky to grow old but growing old also comes with a few drawbacks. The drawbacks are not guaranteed, but they can happen. A person can lose their balance or develop dementia. They might develop a...
Read More ›The nature of linear time is such that every now and then, a person will age to the point that they are old. Because of that, they find themselves in circumstances where they need to use Senior Care Services. This might because they have lost...
Read More ›No one feels pleasant when they're sick, but when you're older, it becomes more difficult to battle some illnesses. These illnesses have a way of taking a different toll on our seniors. This can be especially true for those who suffer from...
Read More ›We are proud to announce that Helping Hearts Senior Care has joined the Hoover Chamber of...
Read More ›National Peanut Butter Day & National Compliment Day! Helping Hearts Senior Care had a blast celebrating National Peanut Butter & National Compliment Day. We toured several facilities and gave out peanut butter candies and compliments....
Read More ›It seems like using a wheelchair should be simple, doesn’t it? Is there really much more to it than your aging relative sitting in it while a caregiver pushes them? It turns out that there’s a lot more to it than that. There are things...
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